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    • #3056

        I did try my original log in but the site was having none of it with my (or our) name (chris sally) .

        So that’s who we/I am, from many years ago when we were trying to find a “SG” model so as to take the grandchildren with us.

        We bought a CI Mizar Garage Living vehicle instead and have had a good few years (5 or so I guess) with it. Now they have grown a little we could very well be back looking for a Exsis, if we can find a “good un” sort of speak. Always loved the model and always wanted one.

        Still have the CI though.

        Anyway, just thought I’d say hi before reading the forum to see what has been going on.


      • #3057
        Barry & Maggie

          Hi Chris

          Welcome back!  I have to say, this site is like the proverbial “swan”… all smooth and serene on the surface, but lots happening down below in the engine room!

          You’ve a lot of catching up to do…  I’ll say no more!   🙂


        • #3058

            Sg all the way I say 😊.. and have you bought another exsis yet Barry?? 😂

          • #3061
            Fred & Gill

              Hello Chris and Sally and welcome back to the Exsis appreciation society.

              I remember your search and several postings at the time(think you may have had a VW and came from Gloucestershire?). .

              Throughout the intervening years several older and long term owners have sold their vans (Barry included) and several other previously not known about Exsis have come to light (so there are a few more known ones about…..but they are still difficult to get hold of and vans for sale still don’t seem to hang about for long and the SG is still difficult to find.

              Best wishes in your search and keep watching.



            • #3069

                Barry, bit of catching up , I should say..

                Luthercalvin, Sg , mmmm well there is one in Germany  though I cant get there yet.

                Fred your right its us from Gloucestershire,  forest of dean to be exact. Though I am Welsh but dont hold that against me.

                We are in the process of getting our new house finished as we have been living in the CI since last November.

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